Meet Krista

Krista Allison is a trailblazer in fashion renowned for her innovative approach to blending creativity with environmental consciousness. A 20+ year fashion professional, she has held executive level positions at industry powerhouses such as Ralph Lauren, J.Crew & Vince and pivoted into entrepreneurship in 2020. She successfully launched multiple brands including an athleisure collection and a sustainable women’s line REGENERATION X The Love Generation, a sustainable collection of unexpected upcycle designs and vintage classics. Krista's passion for driving positive change in the industry sparked her idea for a fashion camp for kids with the emphasis on teaching them ALL things fashion and the importance of sustainability. She partnered with Kent State University professor in 2023 to develop a curriculum that was based on academic concepts and real world experience. She launched this one-of-a-kind enrichment camp in Ohio, her home state, with one summer camp and one location and has since added after school programs, pop up workshops and summer camps nationwide. Krista knew at the age of 6 that she was destined for a career in the fashion industry and was cutting & altering her clothes before it was called "upcycling." She is passionate and committed to teaching and inspiring a new generation of fashionistas. Her mission is to plant seeds of change, instill consciousness, build a community, and foster creative confidence.

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